The NRSS team meeting with The Federation of Motorcycle and Transport Union in Zwedru City, Grand Gedeh Co.
The NRSS team meeting with The Federation of Motorcycle and Transport Union in Zwedru City, Grand Gedeh Co.

Road Safety Secretariat Conducts Road Safety Awareness in Southeast Liberia

Monrovia: Monday, April 4, 2022: The Road Safety Secretariat (RSS) comprising the Ministries of Transport, Public Works, Health, Education and Justice stationed at the Ministry of Transport has concluded a 3-week long road safety awareness in the southeast of Liberia; namely, Grand Gedeh, River Gee and Maryland counties respectively to help educate motorists on the use of the roads and safety measures to help minimize road accidents in Liberia. The program engaged different transport unions, community members, schools, police officers, Marketers, community radio stations, and local authorities base in the counties.

During the awareness campaign, the team provided education on road safety through street promotion, radio talk shows, distribution of flyers, printed T-shirts with safety messages and group discussions. Key among other things highlighted was overloading, wearing seatbelt, observing cross-walks, overspreading, drunk-drive etc.

Plan is also underway to conduct Trainer-of-Trainers workshops with support from the World Bank and the African Development Bank (AFDB).